Friday 5 October 2012


Flip Book Animation

Flip books are a kind of stop motion animation, paper animation to exact. My flip book shows a man jumping off a cliff then flying down out of view then back up right in front of the view point. It is 2.5 seconds long and it has 41 frames so the flip book will be seen as about 16.5 frames per second. I have learnt the the more frames there are a second, the smoother the animation will be. For instance, a video that has 10 frames per second will not be smooth at all, it will be very jumpy and it will not look like a normal video. However, if the frames are increased to 20 - 30 a second then the flip book will seem a lot smoother and more like a video. From this, I can say that my flip-book could be made to look smoother if I increased the number of frames to 20 or 30 a second and it could look much more like a video.

In doing this, I have learned the it can take a lot of time to make a smooth flip-book as you need draw more pages and have the scene moving less between each one. This in itself can create a problem, getting each page to line up with the last. It is difficult to do because drawing each page by hand is a lot less accurate because of shaking and other factors. An easy way to combat this is to use a computer program to create each page as it will be a lot easier to line up each picture.

1 Minute Animation

This is our 1 minute stop motion animation. The aim of the video was to make it seem as though the two people in the video were racing on invisible go-karts. This is a pixilation animation as it is a stop motion video with people in it. The playback is at about 5-10 frames a second so it is not very smooth, we could have improved this a lot if we took more pictures and it would vastly improve the overall viewing. From this task I have found out that in order to get smooth realistic movements, the camera needs to be moved slowly for each shot and more shots need to be taken overall. Also, I now know that a stop motion animation can not be rushed and it needs to be precise if it is to look good.

Surrealist Short

Camera Shots and Angles

This is a short video that I made which shows of all the different camera angles and all the different types of shots. I filmed this so that I can refer to it when I need to find a suitable angle or shot for future videos or pictures. The shots show different distances from the action, for instance; close up, mid shot, extreme long shot. Also, the shots show different camera movements and positions like; panning, eye level, birds eye and two shot.

Focus Group
This is our focus group video, we filmed a group of people that fit into the target audience of our channel, E4, and asked them questions about the channel, what they liked about it, the idents and what they would want to see in an ident if they were designing one. From this video we found out that we should include the colour purple in our ident and that there should be other bright colours as well, we also found out that the ident needed to be random and interesting to keep the audience watching interested.

E4 Ident
This is a stop motion animation that my group made, it is for the channel E4 and it is meant to be surreal, random and funny. We filmed this using a combination of normal film and the animation technique stop motion. The playback is at about 15 frames a second so it looks good but it could be a bit smoother if we had taken more pictures. Also, we had a technical error where the lighting changes between scenes, this could be combated next time by using lights to keep the light levels the same of to make sure that the ident was filmed all in the same time slot and not split up into sections like we did.

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